API Details

API Keys

All calls require an API Key. Contact us to get one. Include this API Key in the X-API-KEY header of all requests to our service.

Chain Options

For API calls that require a chain name, the available chain names are: ETHEREUM, VECHAIN, BSC, MATIC, BASE, OPTIMISM.

API Endpoints

  • GET /swaps: Returns swap details. Must contain a query string of ?swapId=345... or ?firstAddress=0x123...&firstChain=VECHAIN&secondAddress=0x234...&secondChain=ETHEREUM

  • POST /swaps: Create a Swap. Payload is

    SwapDetails {
      sourceChain: ChainName;
      sourceContractId: string; // prefixed with 0x
      sourceSender: string; // prefixed with 0x
      targetChain: ChainName;
      targetTokenAddress: string; // prefixed with 0x
      targetReceiver: string; // prefixed with 0x
      sourceFeeTx: string; // prefixed with 0x
      targetFeeTx: string; // prefixed with 0x
  • GET /gas-estimates: Shows the required fees for a Swap. Requires query string of ?sourceChain=VECHAIN&targetChain=ETHEREUM

  • GET /tokens: Shows the available tokens for swapping.

Last updated