🔄Swap Tokens

In this example we will swap native SHA tokens from vechain to native SHA tokens on Polygon.

1. Launch SafeSwap

Navigate to the SafeSwap platform via https://app.safeswap.io

2. Select the Source Blockchain

This is where your tokens are currently held. For this example, you'd choose vechain.

3. Connect Your Source Wallet

Make sure you connect the appropriate wallet where your SHA tokens are currently stored.

4. Choose The Preferred Token and Amount

Upon connecting your source wallet, you can now pick the token you wish to swap (SHA in this case). Enter the quantity of tokens you desire to exchange.

For extra security, we display both the token contract address and the SafeSwap smart contract address for the selected chain, allowing you to verify details.

5. Configure Destination Blockchain and Wallet

The tokens you'll receive on the destination chain (Polygon, in this case) will be identical to the ones chosen on the source chain.

6. Ensure Source and Destination Wallets Are Connected

7. Approve Token and Amount to Swap

For first-time swaps, it's essential to authorize the swap contract to move your tokens.

Once done, the SafeSwap routing gets generated and the swap fees estimated.

8. Initiate Swap

Click the "Swap" button to initiate.

9. Generate Secret Hash Code

As a safety measure, SafeSwap assigns each swap a unique code.

Important note: To claim your tokens on the destination chain, ensure you stick to the same device and within the same browser throughout the entire swapping procedure.

10. Pay Fees for Both Blockchains Involved

If any pop-ups appear, sign the transaction using your wallet's PIN or password.

11. Create Swap

The swap might take a while. Remember to keep SafeSwap open and be patient during this period.

Any prompts asking to sign a transaction will require your wallet's PIN or password.

12. Claim Funds

After SafeSwap's atomic swap protocol finishes, it's time to claim your SHA tokens on the Polygon chain. Click the "Claim Funds" button.

13. Swap Successful!

Upon successful claiming, the swapped tokens will be visible in your designated destination wallet.

And that's it, a successful atomic cross-chain swap of native SHA tokens!

Last updated